A girl. An empty street. A half-eaten Subway.
And you. And you passing in the rain. Turning the corner when I saw you.
A.A. is moving from Eastern Europe to the promised land of Guinness and gift shops: Dublin.
Everyone says she’ll do well ‘cause she owns slacks and knows how to spell. But it turns out that you don't just grow out of working in retail. Or get on the property ladder. Or ascend the corporate ladder. Or own a ladder... without money.
NOTCH by Danaja Wass was debuted at VAULT Festival 2020
Writer & Performer: Danaja Wass
Director: Madelaine Moore
On screen performer: Evelyn Lockley
Film: Eva Kraljevic
Lighting & Digital Design: Martha Godfrey
Movement Direction: Lucy Bishop
Sound Design: Madelaine Moore
Associate Designer: Sascha Gilmour
Technical Stage Manager: Josephine Shipp
Associate Producer: Guleraana Mir
Producer: The Thelmas
Photography by Steve Gregson